OUR Commitment

We care about the communities we work in, the people who work with us and the people who work for us. Our sustainability commitment spans our practices, policies and performance across Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles.

We know that aligning ourselves with these guiding principles will make Inovo more resilient, future-proof our business and set us up for long term success.

OUR Commitment  Hero  image

At Inovo we commit ourselves to

  • Identifying our baseline – where we are today
  • Doing better than we have done before
  • Being accountable for our commitments and providing robust reporting
  • Investing in learning and surrounding ourselves with professionals who can advise us
  • Putting policies, practices and tools in place that enable us to set goals for future improvements
In turn, we can collaborate with and advise our clients and design teams to shape their sustainability visions,strategies and success criteria to give them and their projects the greatest impact. In practical ways, this could include:
  • Aiding our clients in planning and idea generation
  • Consideration of ideas which help shape the sustainable objectives and success criteria of the project
  • Recommendations of suitably qualified consultants and contractors
  • Preparation of sustainability management plans
  • Auditing, benchmarking, and reporting against sustainability success criteria
  • Ensuring that the design team and contractors understand the sustainable requirements of theproject and that these are implemented through the project
  • Preparation and management of a unique contract which spells out the requirements of the sustainable project
  • Ensuring that the design team and contractors understand the sustainable requirements of the
    project and that these are implemented through the project
  • Ensuring that variations throughout the construction phase meet the sustainability requirements