
Civil Engineering
Our team of qualified civil engineering professionals specialise in design, modelling and contract management for land development, infrastructure, and building services projects.
We work with our clients to provide tailored solutions that add value and enhance project outcomes. From largescale greenfields development and commercial buildings to infill residential, carparks, infrastructure and transport corridor upgrades, we have the capability to assist.
Combined with our surveying, resource consents and architectural services team, we have the inhouse resource to quickly evaluate site constraints and develop solutions in a holistic manner to accelerate the design process.
What we do
- Feasibility Assessments
- Stormwater, Wastewater & Water modelling and design
- Earthworks, Roading and Pavement design
- Flood Modelling & Assessments
- Contract Administration & Construction Management
- Engineering Approvals with Councils
- Geotechnical Coordination for ground strengthening & remediation
- Project Management and Inter-Agency Coordination