Halswell Prestige
Civil Engineering
Land Development
Project Management
Project Planning
Resource Consenting
Project Strategy

Based in the southwest of Christchurch, the Halswell Prestige development encompassed 94 new homes with lot sizes ranging from 315 to 730 square metres.
Inovo was the Development Manager as well as fulfilling the full lead consultant role, with all stages being completed in under three years from land purchase to the delivery of titles.
Inovo’s role included arranging of the acquisition of the land, structuring of a joint venture agreement between parties, organising funding streams, completing the urban design process, gaining all consent including subdivision and land use consents from the Local Council and land use and discharge consents from the Regional Council.
Having concluded all the resource consenting, Inovo completed full civil engineering design, subsequently gaining engineering acceptance from the Selwyn District Council. A competitive tender process was run, with the successful contractor being signed up to a NZS3910 Contract.
Inovo completed the management of the civil contract, completed all legal survey work and provided the required documentation to obtain all the completion certificates, managing the process through to Title.
Project Highlights include:
• Full development management including acquisition of land
• Providing complete urban design
• Procuring sales and marketing services
• Creating the sales and marketing plans
• Securing four cost share agreements to save costs with neighbouring developers and Council on key infrastructure
• Managing High Court action to remove redundant legal easements that were preventing full development from occurring
• Flood modelling provided to Council to determine finished floor levels
• Closing and reclaiming of redundant waterways