Castle Hill
Land Development
Project Management
Civil Engineering
Resource Consenting

Inovo is designing Castle Hill Town, a mixed development including over 100 residential sections and commercial blocks.
This involves working with differing ownership interests, and requirements, while maintaining good urban design outcomes within a strict budget.
This development is minimising the amount of roading and servicing infrastructure. Ongoing work includes procuring geotechnical and environmental reports and an application for subdivision consent and subsequent engineering design.
This multiyear project has involved a longstanding relationship with the developer. There are the challenges of construction in this remote alpine location, in the central Canterbury high country underneath the Craigieburn Range. The Inovo land development team has worked closely with the architects, Hierarchy Group, particularly on the apartment and townhouse planning, so that the overarching town layout and development maintains a cohesive and open feel, and reflects Castle Hill's special ecological, aesthetic and amenity values, in the style of an alpine ski resort.