Community Lane (Highbury Triangle)
Project Management

As part of the wider Unlock Avondale Plan, Kāinga Ora identified the need for a housing complex within the central Avondale area. The development includes 236 units across five buildings, ranging between six and eight stories. In addition, the project works include the delivery of commercial and community spaces.
Four of the buildings are being constructed with the express purpose of providing secure and sustainable housing for people 55+ in age. The fifth building has been allocated for Kāinga Ora tenants.
As Project Managers, Inovo was responsible firstly for managing site remediation prior to construction, due to existing site contamination. This work involves monitoring and a long-term management plan for the site in line with resource consent compliance.
Inovo has overseen staged contractor management, with execution between the main and enabling contractor. Inovo has set and maintained multiple project timelines for the concurrent development of the various buildings, utilities, landscaping and fitout. This has involved relationship management and communications across a large range of project collaborators. The role has included design coordination, resolving RFIs, mitigating risks and unblocking project applications that could impact the construction programme.
The project has required multiple building, utilities and landscaping consents, with site activities taking place in a high-density manner on the site, which sits at the confluence of two busy roadways and in close proximity to neighbouring residential properties. Additionally, it required staged occupation, with buildings being completed at different times.
Building ‘B’ is constructed of mass timber multilevel – one of the first of this type of construction in New Zealand. Practical completion of all five buildings was achieved a the end of 2024, right on schedule.